
30-something Marathoner, Navy Wife, Momma of 3, Pennsylvania Girl, Virginia Beach transplant, Coffee Drinker, Dorito Eating, Philly sports Fan, Goal Digger, Beach lover, Dream chaser.  This is my running blog…all things running and hardly anything else.  Thanks for stopping by!


28 thoughts on “About

  1. Ok, so I found your blog because somehow you found my blog;-) I am instantly hooked on anyone speedy, with three small kids (like myself), none of which are in school full time, making life a big juggling act and how the heck you get so fast! I’m looking forward to reading, and learning, about your training and progression! I seem to be stuck on the sneaker thing lately, and would LOVE to know what your favorites are to train in and race the marathon distance in!? Happy running!!!


    • I love your blog! Mom Running blogs are my absolute favorite. The whole life juggling thing is rough but fun so I like to commiserate 🙂 My feet are very narrow so I lean towards Nike shoes (Pegasus) but I also love my Newtons for easy/medium distance runs. As far as racing, I race almost every distance in the Nike Streak 3’s. They are very light and responsive. Basically you have to try on every shoe in the market before you find one that works!


    • I am having the same issue. I still want to run and I am runinng 3-4 times/week, but after the Fargo Marathon I lost some confidence in training. I know that sounds dumb, but it’s true. I struggled between miles 13-19 during the Fargo marathon, and when I got myself back on track, my marathon partner smashed into the wall . I gave up my time goal to help him finish. I was so frustrated with how I ran the marathon, that I begin to doubt the 16 weeks of training I put in. I guess I am hesitant to put in that much time again and run the risk that things won’t come together when I need it most. So, what do I focus on? I focus on how runinng makes me feel good. I focus on the mini-marathon without calling it training . I focus on how much I enjoy the runinng community. I focus on trying to get back the mental edge I gained during my marathon training, especially my 20 mile training run, but somehow lost between miles 13-19. I try to focus on my accomplishment and not that I missed my goal time by 10 minutes. I read this blog and find motivation in everyone who posts there triumphs and struggles. I find motivation with every step I run. Slow and Steady TurtleI need to start blogging again. Your question sparked the desire in me to talk about my runinng with other people. I haven’t done that since May 20, 2011. Thanks Shane!!


  2. Thanks for the follow – and it’s always great to get introduced to new blogs. I hadn’t seen yours before. Interestingly enough, my former training partner (she’s won the woman’s race at the Mount Desert Marathon twice, among others) just suffered a calf tear last weekend. I haven’t spoken to her yet, but it sounds like it was a case of not warming up enough before a hard 5 km race. Hope yours heals quickly. Cheers.


  3. Hey Kris! I really love reading your blog and appreciate all your insights. I just wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Pink Tree, or One Lovely Blog award! Details are on my page 🙂 You are one awesome lady!


  4. So you went from a 3:16 one year to a sub 3 hour the following, I like it! I started up again (after a 16 year break and 3 babies) and ran 3:13 after 12 months running. I want sub 3 come Jan 2013 and wasn’t sure if that was enough time? How have you progressed so quickly? I would love to pick your brain, so many questions! I will have to troll through your blog to find out more. VERY excited to have ‘found you’ on here 🙂


  5. Hi Kris,
    I was nominated for a blogger award and I have to nominate 15 other bloggers.

    I’m sure you’ve received this already, but your blog has impacted my running/healthy lifestyle.

    Check out the post: http://thechangeofpace.wordpress.com/2012/07/01/versatileblogger/

    There are some rules if you want to participate:

    (1) thank the blogger who nominated you (2) include the award image in your post, (3) copy the award image to your site, (4) give seven random facts about yourself, (5) nominate 15 other bloggers for the award, and (6) let those bloggers know they’ve been nominated.

    Thanks, and keep up the inspiring running and writing!
    – Abby


  6. Hello Kris,
    Just a quick message to ask if you would be interested in a ‘mutual’ following on twitter. I am currently following you now and am awaiting for your follow-back. (#FYI I do RT’s ‘anytime’ for all #Triathletes #Cyclists #UltraRunners & #Marathoners who follow me on Twitter and have something important they want mentioned…)

    All the very best for the rest of 2012 and beyond Kris . Look forward to hearing from you soon…



      • The Here and Now is elusive etraeehl the future appeals to the mind . Welcome to Life on this Plane! Hahaha! You will meet many beautiful friends because of your Light: that is The Law in action you have created the scenario And yes, I would love to communicate and it is fitting that YOU have the choice, not me. I send you Love in the meantime and Huge Hugs!Bodhi


  7. I don’t know you, but I can tell you are great on so many levels. It’s the little things in life that get me going and your blog comment made my day. In fact, I feel even more confident about NYC than I did 24 hours ago 🙂 Love finding kindred souls in running. Looks like you are well on your way to a 2:42. Your improvements over the years have been phenomenal. I am looking forward to following your journey…the good and the not so good 😉 I wish you all the best Kris!


  8. Hey Kris! I am so glad you found my blog and followed! I am no where near your stage in OTQ training, but I am hoping to be there soon! Your stories and experiences will definitely help! I also love that you are a mom, as I hopefully will be soon, too 🙂

    PS You are so lucky to be apart of the U.S. Marathon Trials Project! Jelaous 😉


  9. Found your blog recently and wanted to say “hello”! I’m also working on qualifying for the trials and enjoy reading about your progress. Keep up the great running and writing!


  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m very impressed by your wonderful progress. I didn’t even know it was possible to cut your times the way you have. You are amazing.


  11. Pingback: Most Influential People In Our Running Community | The Fit Petite

  12. Wow, you’re fast! Good luck in your quest to for the Olympic Trials. I’ve only been running for 2 years (with a short break during the last few months of pregnancy), but I love reading other mom runner blogs!


  13. I recently found your blog and I have the same goal as you – 2016 trials. But, it’s much more of a stretch for me. I’m still working on breaking 3 hours in a marathon (that’s my more immediate goal). It’s a long shot for me, but I will see you in Hopkinton!


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